Side events

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Cluster 1 – Cooperation

Cluster ° Organizer Theme of side-events Focal Point Document
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 1 UCLGA The role of local authorities in ecosystem management M.NBOU Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 2 PFBC Healthy and abundant forests, Sustainable value chains, Scientific cooperation L.IVERNEL Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 3 WWF Building a partnership to ensure that the natural capital of the Congo Basin is properly exploited and safeguarded E. NDONG NDOUTOUME Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 4 CIRAD/IRD Programming of the science and capacity building component of partnerships for forests, nature and climate in the 3 basins at global, regional and national scales L. Durieux, A. Billand Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 5 WRI Monitoring forest and land across the three basins: strenghetening collaboration on geospatial innovation for protection and restoration TNKUINTCHU Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 6 FAO The United Nations Decade on the Restoration of Ecosystems: opportunities for the countries of the three basins C. BESACIER Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 7 CCBC – BDEAC Commitment of development banks to the financing of the Blue Fund investment plan for the Congo Basin under the coordination of BDEAC, manager of the Fund F. MAPEINE Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 8 ACTO What cooperation for the management of water resources in ecosystems C.LAZARY No
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 9 CEEAC What framework for cooperation and dialogue between intergovernmental organisations? R. MPCKO MPONDO Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 10 PNUD Enhancing regional collaboration and synergies for sustainable management of natural resources in the Congo Basin H. DIOUF, C. NYANDIGA Yes
Cluster 1 – Cooperation 11 World Bank Climate change and development, featuring our Country Climate and Development Reports for Congo (and possibly other countries in the basins) D. MALEKI No

Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate

Cluster ° Organizer Theme of side-events Focal Point Document
Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate 12 IUCN Conservation on protected zones A. MEWOUTH Yes
Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate 13 Conservation International Reintegrate carbon projects into the Paris Agreement: Experiences on Effectively Implementing Article 6 to protect and safeguard nature Suzanne Ngo-Eyok Yes
Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate 14 Association climate chance Ecological connectivity: towards a convergence of climate-biodiversity-desertification issues? Anne Raimat Yes
Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate 15 UNESCO Contributions of UNESCO networks to biodiversity conservation and the establishment of a platform for scientific cooperation between the three basins B. DIAWARA Yes
Cluster 2 – Biodiversity – Climate 16 CAFI Launch of CAFI Regional Facilities, celebrated with Photography Contest: “Notre richesse : notre région, nos forêts, nos peuples, notre biodiversité“ Julie Veyssere Yes

Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing

Cluster ° Organizer Theme of side-events Focal Point Document
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 17 WCS (Wildlife Conservaiton Society) Climate Innovation – A new financing mechanism for the protection of high biodiversity forests across the tropics Louis-Bernard CHETEU Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 18 UK Financing biodiversity T.CLEMENTS No
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 19 Congo Basin Science Intiative Launch of the Congo Basin Science Initiative – Research and Capacity Building to Address Climate and Biodiversity Crises and Promote Sustainable Development. S.LEWIS Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 20 DRC The new climate economy S.ISRAEL No
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 21 United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Making the Congo Basin the cornerstone of the global export of premium carbon credits N. OULMANE Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 22 OIT (Observatoire Indépendant des Tourbières) Carbon market: A true green and blue opportunity for the economies of the Congo Basin countries N. MOUNDZOUNGUELA Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 23 COMIFAC/WWF Increasing international financing for high integrity forests H. Maïdou, J. SYAPZE Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 24 World Bank Unlocking climate finance for the Congo Basin, featuring our regional analytical work on this for the Congo Basin D. MALEKI Yes
Cluster 3 – Ecosystem financing 25 Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC) TBC TBC No

Cluster 4 – Civil society

Cluster ° Organizer Theme of side-events Focal Point Document
Cluster 4 – Civil society, youth, women and indigenous peoples 26 4C Morocco Decarbonizing economic activities : what opportunities for African countries ? R.CHAFIL No
Cluster 4 – Civil society, youth, women and indigenous peoples 27 AMEE Water resources: from the point of view of diversification of supply and economy of use TBC No
Cluster 4 – Civil society, youth, women and indigenous peoples 28 UNICEF Feeding nature: youth at the centre of biodiversity preservation F.BERTRAND Yes
Cluster Organizer Theme of side-events Focal Point
Cluster 1- Cooperation WWF Increasing international financing for high integrity forests L.SOME
Cluster 1- Cooperation WRI Build a scientific and technical research platform for the 3 basins TNKUINTCHU
Cluster 1- Cooperation FAO The state of biodiversity ecosystems and tropical forests, peatlands and mangroves TBC
Cluster 1- Cooperation CCBC – ECCAS Commitment of development banks to the financing of the Blue Fund investment plan for the Congo Basin under the coordination of BDEAC, manager of the Fund F. MAPEINE
Cluster 1- Cooperation ACTO What cooperation for the management of water resources in ecosystems C. LAZARY
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate CDB Reintegration of climate and biodiversity D. COOPER
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate UICN Preservation of protected areas TBC
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate WCS What strategy and implementation plan for the conservation and restoration of forests, peatlands and mangroves in the three basins? yes. STOKES
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate CI Reintegrate carbon projects into Paris Agreement? TBC
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate SNPC TBC TBC
Cluster 2- Biodiversity-Climate WHO The “one health” approach in the context of the relationship between health, environmentand biodiversity Dr A. W ONYANGO
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing France Biodiversity certificates TBC
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing UK Financing biodiversity T. CLEMENTS
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing ARI Climate risk insurance TBC
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing Leeds University Boosting investment in science and better understanding the Congo Basin S. LEWIS
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing DRC The new climate economy S. ISRAEL
Cluster 3- Ecosystem financing UCLGA The role of local authorities in ecosystem management M.NBOU
Cluster 4- Civil, society, youth, women and indigenous peoples 4C Morocco/AMEE Young Climate Champions R. CHAFIL
Cluster 4- Civil, society, youth, women and indigenous peoples UNICEF Feeding nature: youth at the center of biodiversity preservation F. BERTRAND
Cluster 4- Civil, society, youth, women and indigenous peoples PFBC TBC C.GUILHOU
Cluster 4- Civil, society, youth, women and indigenous peoples UNWomen/UNDP Women, drivers of climate and biodiversity TBC

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